Jobs on India


With the deeper penetration of gadgets into our life, we surely started reading and watching a lot of stuff online. But in the chaos of being everything online, somewhere we are leaving good habits of substantial reading. A good book have the charisma to transcend its reader into a different world. It can unearth the world of knowledge, imagination, passion and wisdom. It's always good to read and learn about great personalities. Their perspective of life is very much different from what an average person usually perceives.  Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs is extensive but one can enjoy every bit of it.  Jobs spent seven months in India roaming in Delhi, Haridwar, villages around nainital and in Manali. According to book, later he said about the trip to India as-

"The people in the Indian countryside don't use their intellect like we do,  they use their intuition instead, and their intuition is far more developed than in the rest of the world". 


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